I can blog, I can blog, I can blog. I've just been reading some super cool blogs and I find myself thinking, "I can do that!" I love decorating, art, have writing skills, tech skills, know my way around a camera, and friends have known me to do a DIY project or two... Or 50. So what's holding me back?
There's never enough time in the day to work out, raise 3 children, take care of home, hang out with friends and family, live on a budget, be artistic and creative... And then to also blog about it. Or maybe there is if I can find the balance.
Balance in life, balance in decorating... It goes on and on. Right now, I'm learning balance in decorating. Look for balance in height, in scale, prints and solids, bright colors and neutrals, etc. I struggle with all of this in my itty bitty, 1100 square foot house. We have so many things and it's hard to decorate with too much stuff. I've been slowly decluttering and yesterday, Mike and I cleaned all afternoon and into the evening to get things in order.
Boy, does it feel good to have a clean house!
I still have so much more to do in every room in my house and if I can keep up with this blogging thing, maybe I'll post more photos as I do it. For now, here's to taking the next step.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Memphis Consignment Sales Fall 2012
Here's an updated list of consignment sales in the Memphis area for Fall 2012. Hope you find it helpful! I'll try to update as fall dates become available.
July 12-14, 2012
KidsTown Kids Consignment
Memphis, TN
July 19-21, 2012
Too Good to Be Through
Brighton, TN
August 3-4, 2012
Oh Baby! Consignment Event
Southaven, MS
August 3-4, 2012
Everything for Kids Sale
Memphis, TN
August 13-18, 2012
Emmanuel Children's Clothing Sale
Memphis, TN
August 16-18, 2012
Second Blessings Consignment
Germantown, TN
August 24-25, 2012
Highland Clothing Sale
Cordova, TN
August 24-25, 2012
Sycamore View Children's Clothing Sale
Memphis, TN
September 14-15, 2012
Faith Baptist Consignment
Memphis, TN
One of my favorite sales!
September 13-16, 2012
Children's Clothing Exchange
Memphis, TN
September 20-22, 2012
Duck-Duck-Goose Consignment
Memphis, TN area
September 21-22, 2012
Germantown United Methodist Consignment
Germantown, TN
September 25-29, 2012
Rhea Lana's Consignment
Memphis, TN
September 28-29, 2012
Lil Blessings Consignment
Olive Branch, MS
And don't forget that there is are consignment shops in Memphis that are always open (although you usually don't make as much money as a consignor). At consignment sales, consignors usually make 70%-80% of the sale price. At consignment shops, you make only a small fee based on how much the store is willing to pay you for the clothes you bring in. I consider consignment stores better for buying than selling. Consignment sales beat consignment stores on both accounts hands down.
Once Upon a Child
July 12-14, 2012
KidsTown Kids Consignment
Memphis, TN
July 19-21, 2012
Too Good to Be Through
Brighton, TN
August 3-4, 2012
Oh Baby! Consignment Event
Southaven, MS
August 3-4, 2012
Everything for Kids Sale
Memphis, TN
August 13-18, 2012
Emmanuel Children's Clothing Sale
Memphis, TN
August 16-18, 2012
Second Blessings Consignment
Germantown, TN
August 24-25, 2012
Highland Clothing Sale
Cordova, TN
August 24-25, 2012
Sycamore View Children's Clothing Sale
Memphis, TN
September 14-15, 2012
Faith Baptist Consignment
Memphis, TN
One of my favorite sales!
September 13-16, 2012
Children's Clothing Exchange
Memphis, TN
September 20-22, 2012
Duck-Duck-Goose Consignment
Memphis, TN area
September 21-22, 2012
Germantown United Methodist Consignment
Germantown, TN
September 25-29, 2012
Rhea Lana's Consignment
Memphis, TN
September 28-29, 2012
Lil Blessings Consignment
Olive Branch, MS
And don't forget that there is are consignment shops in Memphis that are always open (although you usually don't make as much money as a consignor). At consignment sales, consignors usually make 70%-80% of the sale price. At consignment shops, you make only a small fee based on how much the store is willing to pay you for the clothes you bring in. I consider consignment stores better for buying than selling. Consignment sales beat consignment stores on both accounts hands down.
Once Upon a Child
Stuff to do in Memphis (mostly free)
Take a Dance Class
Date night?: http://redhotlindyhop.com/tigerrag.phpStorytime with the Kids
Memphis Public Library: http://www.memphislibrary.org/childrens-department
Mondays - Preschool storytime with Ms. Doris - 10:15 A.M. - 3 - 5 yearsWednesdays - Toddler time with Ms. Amy - 10:15 A.M. - 18 mos. - 3 years
Thursdays - Preschool storytime with Ms. Susan - 10:15 A.M. - 3 - 5 years
Baby Time with Ms. Amy - Delightful storytime for parents and babies age 9-18 months. Expect nursery rhymes, finger plays, music, singing, age appropriate books and lots of good information for parents to take home. June 5, 12, 19, 26 at 10:15 A.M. For more information, call 901.415.2739.
Booksellers at Laurelwood: http://www.thebooksellersatlaurelwood.com/kids-eventsMonday, Thursday and Friday at 11:00 a.m
Decorate a Cake
http://sweetwise.com/classes/classes-memphis/buttercream-4-kids-memphis.htmlBounce with the Kids
SUMMER JUMPS : June 4 - August 17 (2012)
We will begin our ALL AGES JUMP (up to 14 years old) on Mon 6/4. It will be offered on Mon/Wed/Fri through the summer from 2:00-3:30pm. Get out of the heat and enjoy some cool fun. Socks are required and cost is $7.65 per child. An adult must stay!
Eat a Snowcone
The best snocone dive in Memphis... so yummy on a hot summer day!http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jerrys-Sno-Cones/108163999232058
Go to the Zoo
Free Day! Tuesdays 2pm-5pmFree Tuesday Afternoon Guidelines
- The Memphis Zoo allows free general admission to Tennessee residents on Tuesday afternoons from 2 p.m. to close.
- Persons ages 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult age 21 or older.
- Adults age 21 and older may accompany up to five children ages 16 and under.
- Photo ID with proof of age and TN residency are required for free admittance. TN Drivers license, current TN college or TN military photo ID will be accepted.
- Free Tuesdays will not be held during the month of March.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I discovered two things today...
The first thing I have discovered is the Children's Clothing Exchange in Cordova, TN. Today is the first public sale day and I wanted to go while there was stuff to get. The first day of a consignment sale is always the best day to get the best clothes, shoes, and toys. (The private sale that is only open to consignors and volunteers is the very best, but you have to consign or volunteer in order to shop on those days.) When you go on the first day, you sacrifice the amazing 1/2 price deals in order to get a better selection. The 1/2 price sales usually happen on the last day of the sale and then you get whatever is left. I recommend, when you're just learning about consignment, that you go on the first day of a sale at least once and on the last day at least once. That way you can see the difference and decide what is best for you. Some people go to the same sale twice to get selection and great deals. (Really, everything is a deal when you are getting unworn or softly worn clothing for 10%-25% of retail prices.)
Back to the specific topic at hand... I have been to quite a few consignment sales, but this one (Children's Clothing Exchange) had the best selection I have seen so far. They had super cute clothes! They also had lots of designers and name brands. The prices are a little higher than your typical consignment sale, but that is because the original retail prices are much higher on this type of clothing, so the percentage stays about the same. I would definitely recommend this consignment sale. Oh, by the way, they have clothes all the way up to juniors sizes. I saw some super cute dresses and other clothes that I totally would have been into if I were a size 0 or 2. =)
My second discovery: This awesome website with tons of hair, makeup, and other beauty tips. I love all the tutorials. Lauren Conrad has many tutorials for hair and makeup on the website. LC is one of the three main contributors for content on the website. Check it out! http://thebeautydepartment.com/
The first thing I have discovered is the Children's Clothing Exchange in Cordova, TN. Today is the first public sale day and I wanted to go while there was stuff to get. The first day of a consignment sale is always the best day to get the best clothes, shoes, and toys. (The private sale that is only open to consignors and volunteers is the very best, but you have to consign or volunteer in order to shop on those days.) When you go on the first day, you sacrifice the amazing 1/2 price deals in order to get a better selection. The 1/2 price sales usually happen on the last day of the sale and then you get whatever is left. I recommend, when you're just learning about consignment, that you go on the first day of a sale at least once and on the last day at least once. That way you can see the difference and decide what is best for you. Some people go to the same sale twice to get selection and great deals. (Really, everything is a deal when you are getting unworn or softly worn clothing for 10%-25% of retail prices.)
Back to the specific topic at hand... I have been to quite a few consignment sales, but this one (Children's Clothing Exchange) had the best selection I have seen so far. They had super cute clothes! They also had lots of designers and name brands. The prices are a little higher than your typical consignment sale, but that is because the original retail prices are much higher on this type of clothing, so the percentage stays about the same. I would definitely recommend this consignment sale. Oh, by the way, they have clothes all the way up to juniors sizes. I saw some super cute dresses and other clothes that I totally would have been into if I were a size 0 or 2. =)
Saturday, August 27, 2011
i do
A couple weeks ago, I did my first wedding shoot. It was thrilling... and hot. =) I loved working with the couple (they are so laid back... and in love... and that's the best!). We shot most of the photos (everything except for the ceremony) outside in 100+ degree weather. The bride was such a trooper. Can you imagine trying to look gorgeous... in a wedding dress... in that weather? Not easy. She was so sweet in spite of everything! The photos in the heat brought back memories of my own wedding five years ago (unbelievable that it's been 5 years already... and I'm still so happy) since we were married outdoors at the end of July. HOT! In spite of the heat, they were happy, and in spite of the heat, I had so much fun taking photos. This is something I love doing! So here are some of my favorite photos from the wedding:
Did I forget to mention how beautiful her dress was??? I LOVED it!
My dad also photographed the wedding with me and took some amazing photos. I only have mine posted here, but I need to get everything up online. My lil sis, Hosanna, was also incredible with her assistance and inspiration. She's my little muse. She always gives me the greatest ideas. I loved working with both of them!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Memphis Area Consignment Sales Fall 2011
Earlier this year, I did a list of consignment sales in the Memphis area, and it seemed to be helpful. So here is an updated list. My Keeley is outgrowing everything and needs "mover-friendly" clothing since she is crawling everywhere and has even started pulling up to standing position at the couch! Dresses just aren't cutting it since she continually gets her little knees caught in them. I'm going to have to hit up some sales soon! I had a good experience consigning at some of the later sales, but it was a lot of work, so I may skip it this go around and try it again a little later. =)
July 22-24, 2011
Mommy's Secret Consignment
Southaven, MS
July 28-30, 2011
KidsTown Kids Consignment
Memphis, TN
August 5-6, 2011
Oh Baby! Consignment Event
Southaven, MS
August 5-6, 2011
Everything for Kids Sale
Memphis, TN
August 13-September 5, 2011 (see website for details)
Kiddie Land Consignment
Cordova, TN
August 17-20, 2011
Emmanuel Children's Clothing Sale
Memphis, TN
August 19-20, 2011
Sycamore View Children's Clothing Sale
Memphis, TN
August 25-27, 2011
Germantown United Methodist Consignment
Germantown, TN
August 26-27, 2011
Highland Clothing Sale
Cordova, TN
September 9-10, 2011
Faith Baptist Consignment
Memphis, TN
September 15-18, 2011
Children's Clothing Exchange
Memphis, TN
Saturday, July 16, 2011
I haven't been feeling very inspired lately. And I have been traveling a lot. So my blog has probably been feeling neglected and I haven't done a lot of crafty projects. I'm sure I'll get into the mood again at some point. But I must warn you that I kind of have ADD when it comes to doing projects. Oh, I'll finish a project, but I will move on to something else as soon as it is done. I like to constantly be trying new things. Creativity doesn't have to be limited to painting and crafting and decorating. Creativity is a way of thinking.
Not that I think I'm super creative. My best creativity happens when I am improving something that someone else started. But I think you can be creative in business management, in writing, in photography, in job searches, in relationships, and much more. Every part of life has a perspective that you have not yet considered. You can even be creative with your mood. When I was traveling recently, I was kinda grumpy because of the wait at the airport. I had to be a little creative to find the good side of things. It helps. You get to be thankful and happy... even when you feel like you have every right to complain.
Mike and I (and baby Keeley) went to Boston and New York last weekend. It was a long and busy trip, but we had a good time and I had some wonderful experiences. I love color, so I decided to look for color through the lens of my camera. Here's a collage of some of the colors I found on my trip.

And here are some other (some less colorful) photos I took.
In Boston:

And New York City:

Now that I'm back home, I'm trying to settle back into normal life. But it's hard. Sometimes, it's hard to remember that my problems are small in comparison to the problems that others have. Some days, the enormous problems of others are all I can think about... and I worry a lot. But I am learning to cast my cares upon the Lord, for He cares for me. (1Peter 5:7)
Not that I think I'm super creative. My best creativity happens when I am improving something that someone else started. But I think you can be creative in business management, in writing, in photography, in job searches, in relationships, and much more. Every part of life has a perspective that you have not yet considered. You can even be creative with your mood. When I was traveling recently, I was kinda grumpy because of the wait at the airport. I had to be a little creative to find the good side of things. It helps. You get to be thankful and happy... even when you feel like you have every right to complain.
Mike and I (and baby Keeley) went to Boston and New York last weekend. It was a long and busy trip, but we had a good time and I had some wonderful experiences. I love color, so I decided to look for color through the lens of my camera. Here's a collage of some of the colors I found on my trip.

And here are some other (some less colorful) photos I took.
In Boston:
Now that I'm back home, I'm trying to settle back into normal life. But it's hard. Sometimes, it's hard to remember that my problems are small in comparison to the problems that others have. Some days, the enormous problems of others are all I can think about... and I worry a lot. But I am learning to cast my cares upon the Lord, for He cares for me. (1Peter 5:7)
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