
Monday, May 23, 2011

Favorite Finds This Week

Again, this week has been busy... and this weekend, even crazier. Though it is after 2am, I am still considering this Sunday... and posting favorite finds for THIS week. ;-)

I am limiting it, this time, to my three favorite finds.

This incredibly creative and innovative blog is likely to become one of my favorite reads.

Ideas, thoughts, and cute photos

Creative crafts and ideas

I hope you enjoy checking out these great blogs! Hopefully, by limiting it to three, you won't be overwhelmed by too much to read. I ran across some other good blogs, so if you want those links too, just let me know and I'll get you the info.

I am currently working 2-3 days per week (depending on the week), raising two children, starting a little Etsy business (hopefully it will be up soon), and doing photography... that's why I haven't been able to post as much as I would like. As soon as things slow down, I hope to do more projects and have more interesting thoughts to share!

Have a great night everyone... and try not to stay up too late. ;-)


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